Data science-based agricultural
smart factory solutions and services

Through data science-based agricultural data construction, we are leading agricultural process innovation that systematically
provides everything necessary for agriculture as data and creates more profits and value through agriculture.

develops agri-food smart factory
solutions and services based on data science.

Dataponic Platform

An artificial intelligence-based plant manufacturing smart factory solution provides happiness to all consumers by processing agricultural and producer data.


AI Control Solution

We provide a context-sensitive, real-time monitoring and control solution with artificial intelligence sensors.


Establishment of Artificial Lighting
Production Facilities

In order to control environmental conditions such as sunlight, temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide, we are building production facilities that control the intensity of illumination based on artificial lighting.


pursues sustainable growth
with infinite possibilities.

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about us


We are ABCLABS, the innovator of
data technology of the future

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